Hosted By Wikileaks Founder

WEB 26: Political Interviews with Julian Assange

Hosted by WikiLeaks Founder

WEB 26 is a series of 26-minute political interviews hosted by WikiLeaks founder and editor Julian Assange. The interviews feature a range of guests, including activists, journalists, and politicians, and cover a wide range of topics, including the role of media in a democracy, the future of the internet, and the challenges facing the global community.

Academy Award-Winning Documentarian

The series is directed by Alex Gibney, an Academy Award-winning documentarian known for his work on films such as "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" and "Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief." Gibney's involvement in WEB 26 adds a level of credibility to the series, as he is known for his commitment to journalistic integrity and his ability to tell complex stories in a clear and engaging way.

The interviews are shot in a unique format, with Assange and his guests sitting across from each other in a stark, black-and-white environment. This format creates a sense of intimacy and focus, allowing the viewer to concentrate on the substance of the conversation rather than on the distractions of the surroundings.

WEB 26 is a thought-provoking and challenging series that offers a unique perspective on some of the most pressing issues facing the world today. Assange's incisive questioning and Gibney's masterful storytelling combine to create a series that is both informative and entertaining.

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