Earth Hour 2023 Theme


Earth Hour 2023: The Biggest Hour for Earth

Breathing New Life into Our Movement and Mission

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Since its inception, Earth Hour has been recognized for its symbolic gesture of turning off lights in support of our planet. However, starting in 2023, the movement has evolved, injecting fresh vitality into its mission and goal.

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Earth Hour, the world's largest grassroots environmental movement, returns in 2023 with renewed vigor. Its aim remains the same: to raise awareness and encourage collective action to address climate change. This year's theme, "The Biggest Hour for Earth," emphasizes the urgency of the situation and the importance of every individual's contribution.

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Climate change, characterized by sustained changes in temperature and weather patterns, poses a significant threat to our planet's health and biodiversity. Earth Hour seeks to mobilize global citizens to understand the magnitude of this issue and inspire them to take meaningful steps toward sustainability.

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On March 25th, 2023, at 8:30 PM local time, WWF's Earth Hour will mobilize people worldwide to "Give an Hour for Earth." This collective action aims to generate the "Biggest Hour for Earth" ever, highlighting the power of unity in addressing climate change.

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Earth Hour 2023 invites individuals, organizations, and communities to participate in various activities, including symbolic light switch-offs, virtual events, and impactful conversations. The movement encourages everyone to make a commitment beyond the hour by adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives, advocating for policy changes, and inspiring others to join the fight against climate change.


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